Maker-fest 2017
On October 28, 2017, there was a maker fest at VT campus in Falls Church. There were a lot of stations but I was helping with the station in the Thinkabit Lab. We worked on coding a servo to move back and forth. Almost all of the kids wanted to do their own coding right after I gave them an introduction to coding. Once the kids understood how to work it, some of them decided to be creative and build something using the tools area. This area is filled with items from cardboard, tape, styrofoam, wheels and lot of other items. They had plenty of tools. They took their time creating their masterpiece and all of them turned out amazing. I was surprised to see how well they worked together. It great that I got the opportunity to work with kids. I honestly learned more by teaching them. These kinds of events benefit everyone, that's why I like this so much.
This picture is of Jim working with a kid.

This picture is a kid with his family.
This picture is of Jim working with a kid.
This picture is a kid with his family.
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